About 70 grams of amniotic fluid bathe your baby. The connections between the nerves and the muscles have tripled since last week. Week 11 - Between weeks 9 and 12, your baby doubles in size to three inches from head to toe.In females, genitalia have begun to show. The head is large and round, and the neck is visible beneath the tucked head. Tiny fingernails and toenails have begun to grow, and hair follicles develop below the surface of the skin. Week 10 - With all organs in place, your baby shifts its energy from developing into growing over the next seven months until it is a full-size, full-term infant.Now they must grow in size and become interconnected. All the organs are in place and distinctly formed. Taste buds develop, the toes separate, and the intestines move out of the umbilical cord and fully into the embryo's body. Week 9 - The embryo measures 1.25 inches from crown to rump and weighs 1/30 of an ounce.The developing eyelids begin to close up, the external ears have begun to form, the nostrils are defined and open and the upper lip has begun to form. It looks more like a fetus, curled in the familiar fetal position and its legs are extended and arms have defined, bent elbows. Week 8 - The embryo now measures 16 millimeters, about the size of a postage stamp.In girls, the clitoris and the ovaries appear. Facial features organize as the retinas form, eyelids begin to develop, and the palate and ear canals begin to take shape. Toes begin to sprout and feet take shape. The fingers are webbed and spread like starfish. Week 7 - From a few gathered cells, an embryo has grown in seven weeks to a collection of developing blood vessels, vertebrae and internal organs (including a kidney that produces urine).Weeks 1-6 - Discover the amazing changes that happen each week as your baby grows and develops, from a tiny cluster of cells all the way to becoming a squalling newborn.Fast or slow, the heart rate is not a valid indication of whether a baby is a girl or boy. The normal range for the baby's heart rate is 115 to 160 beats per minute. The baby's heartbeat may be heard as early as the twelfth week of pregnancy using a highly sensitive Doppler that allows us to hear the baby's heartbeat. At this time, you cannot feel these movements. Amniotic fluid cushions the baby and allows the baby to move around easily.

The placenta has formed and blood is now circulating through the umbilical cord. Your baby can squint, frown, open and shut its mouth, turn its head, make a fist, and kick. The brain and spinal cord are developing rapidly. Near the end of the first trimester (13 weeks gestation) your baby is about three inches long.