Super Secret, however, doesn’t have this issue. And after using Squirt lube, I can attest that it doesn't last as long. AbsoluteBLACK GRAPHENlube, for example, requires the first application to be immersive. Wax emulsions can be used to replace immersion waxing, but often aren’t as effective because the wax can’t penetrate deep into the chain without applying heat. Super Secret goes on thick, penetrates deep without heat, and coats the key parts of the chain. When discussing immersion waxing, Kerin recommended using these wax emulsions as “top lubes” that can be applied to the chain to extend the time between re-waxes. There are actually a few other wax emulsion products out there: Squirt, Smoove, CeramicSpeed UFO drip, and AbsoluteBLACK GRAPHENlube. Super Secret, on the other hand, is what Kerin refers to as a “wax emulsion.” Wax emulsions are thicker and the wax content is higher, so it’s much better at adhering to a chain. The majority of the bottle is actually made up of a carrier liquid that doesn’t stick to the chain. If you let a bottle of normal wax-based drip lube sit, you’ll see it separate, and the very small amount of liquid wax contained in the lube will settle at the bottom. You may notice on the label that Super Secret refers to itself as a “chain coating.” That’s because it’s different from traditional drip lubes. This is where Silca Super Secret comes in. With my hectic schedule, I couldn’t handle waxing all five bikes in my quiver. Immersion waxing requires removing your chain and placing it into a slow cooker for an hour, so it takes extra planning. I’m now a wax convert, but I only wax my gravel bike chain and continue using traditional drip lubes on my road and mountain bikes. With immersion waxing, not only did my drivetrain feel super fast and stay pristinely clean, but I managed to get several hundred miles of blissfully silent running between each re-wax.

Read my chain waxing review to learn more, but the gist is that immersion waxing is the best method for reducing friction and increasing drivetrain longevity. I discovered the power of immersion waxing last year after speaking with Adam Kerin, the founder of Zero Friction Cycling. Uses tungsten disulfide, the fastest and most lubricious additive.Provides immersion wax performance but is much easier to apply.Saves up to 7 watts over other drip lubes.Repels dust and dirt, and stays clean to the touch.Shop Silca Why is Silca Super Secret chain lube so good? After using Super Secret for hundreds of miles in harsh and dusty conditions, I’m confident in saying that it’s the best chain lube I’ve ever used.

Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret - it’s called Silca Super Secret Chain Coating. If only there was some way to get all the same benefits of immersion waxing in a convenient drip lube.

But, understandably, a lot of riders are turned off by the extra complication. For racers and bike geeks, immersion waxing has long been the pinnacle of chain lubrication. Do you want the fastest, quietest, longest-lasting chain lube for your bike? Then you should be waxing your chain.